Lib Tech Lost Freak Flag Bean Bag

Review: Lib Tech Lost Freak Flag Bean Bag 5’10”

3.5 out of 5.

Lib Tech Lost Freak Flag Bean Bag


Summary: The Lib Tech Lost Freak Flag Bean Bag 5’10” is a good choice for large river waves that need a fast board. Continue reading for the full review…

Manufacturer’s Website:


Large but not very steep waves like Glenwood and Springdale are ideal for the 5’10” Freak Flag Bean Bag. Waves like these require a board with a bit more speed, especially if you have to catch them from upstream. In the past I have struggled to catch and surf these waves when using boards that were too slow. The Freak Flag Bean Bag has plenty of speed, and even though it’s just 5’10” long it makes up for it with width and a deep concave to create a large surface area for planing. The shorter length even allows me to spin the board, something that is difficult on longer boards.

Lib Tech Lost Freak Flag Bean Bag

The Freak Flag Bean Bag doesn’t work well on all large river waves. Lunch Counter is an example of a large river wave that has a steep face. Here I found the width of the board more of a hindrance. The extra width in the board made it feel slow rail to rail compared to other boards that surfed well on the same wave. However outside of the idea flows when the wave is flatter, the Freak Flag Bean Bag worked well.

Lib Tech Lost Freak Flag Bean Bag

At 5’10” it is too long to fit on most adjustable shortboard waves, but the Freak Flag Bean Bag does come in lengths all the way down to 5’2″. If you’re wanting to use this board in places like Denver’s River Run Park, Boise, and Bend, you’ll definitely want to try shortest version or consider a board like the Puddle Jumper instead.

I only got a couple of chances to surf the Freak Flag Bean Bag on small river waves and holes last season, and I wasn’t impressed with the performance. It lacks volume in the tail to surf holes, and doesn’t have quite enough speed to surf the smallest of waves. For small waves and holes, I would consider the Hydrus Blisscuit and the Badfish Wavo better choices.

Lib Tech Lost Freak Flag Bean Bag

The Freak Flag Bean Bag is a good fit for just about any skill level. If you are surfing a large but mellow river wave, you could definitely learn on this board as a beginner (although there are other boards that would be easier to learn on). Advanced to expert river surfers will enjoy the ease of catching and surfing waves that would otherwise be a struggle on slower boards.

Lib Tech Lost Freak Flag Bean Bag

After just 20 days of use I found the board started to develop delamination bubbles on the bottom. I always kept the board in a sock when not in use, and in the shade whenever possible.

Lib Tech Lost Freak Flag Bean Bag

Luckily Lib Tech agreed to warranty replacing the board. I inspected my other boards, and found that my two year old Puddle Jumper HP also had a bubble on the bottom, but all my older Lib Tech boards appeared fine. I usually rave about the durability when reviewing Lib Tech boards, but these new issues gives me pause. I’d recommend checking and watching any new Lib Tech boards for delamination bubbles.

Lib Tech Lost Freak Flag Bean Bag

If you are considering the 5’10” Freak Flag Bean Bag, you should also look at the Lib Tech 6’6″ Pickup Stick. The Pickup Stick has more of a longboard feel, and I think it makes better turns. The 5’10” Freak Flag Bean Bag fits better on small steep waves, is spinnable, and can be surfed without having to move up and down the board. Both are best suited for large river waves, and are good fits for just about any skill level. It mostly depends on whether you prefer surfing longboards or shortboards.

If you’re looking for a board to surf large river waves that aren’t too steep, the Freak Flag Bean Bag is a good choice. Keep an eye on it for delamination issues though.

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